Winners 2013 > Motions Series > HM - Briony Campbell
 'You seem like a very kind man David', 'Well thank you Allan I tried', The Paramedic's eye were full when he replied, 'Just keep on trying is all I can say to you my friend'. |
 Collecting Dad's fallen hair |
 Family Portrait |
 I couldn't be a photographer when this happened, I was a daughter first. I paused for a long time before managing to photograph the milkshake stain. |
 I photographed the end before I saw it. |
 Me and Dad, August 25th 2009 |
 Me in Dad's bed |
 The Sunlight supported me this year, at first it served to confirm my optimism, 'he'd get better of course', but after the terminal diagnosis it served to comfort my mourning. |
 When Dad lost his appetite, upholding his waste-not-want-not values felt more worthwhile than hoping he might regain enough strenght to finish his own food |
 When we siad goodnight on his last lucis day dad said 'think about what we should shoot tomorrow for the project. By tomorrow just his shape remained, his unconscious contribution, | | |
Remember Date! ___ May 30, 2015
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